MR HAJI SAIF SHAIKH, VICE PRESIDENT OF MAHARASHTRA NAVNIRMAN SENA (MNS) says “We treat pets as our family member, so rest your pet in peace”

Mr. Haji Saif Shaikh, Vice-President of Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) has taken the initiative to be the voice for the welfare of animals and demands for animal memorial service.

As the grievances continue, and problems faced by such pet owners in the city are not being resolved, he continues to voice public grievances and fight for this noble cause as every living being deserves certain decorum during their time of memorial service, Pet owners are upset with Municipal Corporation as they have made no provisions for pets even though the owners have been paying for their licenses, due to lack of facilities and total helplessness many throw their pets in creeks or bury them in waste lands or some even throw them in bins, the State Government should make sure that they at least have an appropriate and easily accessible memorial service for pets.

Similarly most animals die of age related issues or some illness, their systematic cremation will protect people from any kind of health hazards and the authorities must take appropriate steps in this direction and hence he raised public concerns before The State, Mumbai Mayor and Animal Husbandry Minister.

In total dismay if public grievances are not complied with Mr Haji Saif Shaikh will submit his and public concern to the Hon’ble Court through Advocate Suhail Shariff, Managing Partner Falcon Legal.