Soumi Dutta – Mrs India Universe 2019 , Kolkata based Entrepreneur- Founder of Connection_Co. She has a make a significant impact in Pageant Industry, With her unique vision and techniques. Starting from 2020 till today she is continuously working for Different pageants & Fashion events as a Grooming expert.
Not only pageants but also in Education and corporate industry she is Working as a personality development coach. This year She has been Awarded As a Best Pageantry Coach and Grooming Expert From Art & Flim Festival of India international in Delhi on 5 TH April.
Here , also she has groomed 30 participants from all over the world irrespective of age . This Kolkata Based Fashion Coach was a former Psychologist – Not only brain and beauty- She Has been appreciated For Her Works on Woman Empowerment as well.
Soumi Dutta – Kolkata based Entrepreneur- Founder of Connection_Co .