In every Bollywood or Hollywood film, a character as villain, stuntman, commando, police officer or martial art...
Day: October 29, 2022
Noida: The most prestigious Suraj Parkash Marwah Sahitya Ratan Awards were presented to the popular and prominent...
Heartiest Congratulations to Angel Tetarbe for being Crowned As “MISS GLAMOURFACE WORLD 2022-AMBASSADOR QUEEN” In Berlin this...
अरमान मलिक बेंगलुरु, कोलकाता, दिल्ली एनसीआर, मुंबई और हैदराबाद में 19 नवंबर से 3 दिसंबर 2022 तक परफॉर्म करेंगे। गायक-गीतकार अरमान...
Actor Prem Dhiraal is all set to make his Bollywood debut with the upcoming Hindi film Bera...
‘C2B’ यानी ‘Chain2bollywood’ एक ऐसा मंच जो देश के कोने से नई नई प्रतिभाओं को ताराश कर...