Exclusive News By  RAJA SARFARAZ

Anguished from modelling Kashmir based boy Syed Ali Asgar Razvi is a new example who with his determination formulated his way towards a fresh vogue of business and now is an icon and inspiration for budding entrepreneurs of Kashmir.

It is not susceptible to find the way out of the box by shattering the barrier of own ambition and changing it for the betterment of parents and excavating their happiness in it is appreciable in nowadays world.

Rizvi is an MBA from Mitsom Pune, and during these days he was associated with Modelling furthermore because of his sharp features and good personality the handsome guy is now an icon in business’ working with FMCG fast Moving consumers’ goods which is an essential service business and during Covid 19 debacle good thing to Syed Ali is ding an essential service business which even though got inflicted but not like other class of business.

Rizvi is changing patterns and creating a fashion in business now by his phrase and formulae being used “Batter rates for batter quality”. An incredible social worker and sage have also quest towards excellence in building collective youth development of Kashmir who looks forward to opening different opportunities for youth so that more and more may get benefitted in this tough time.

He has a dream to make Kashmir drugs free and bring fitness and purity back to Kashmir who has open arms for any aspect of help to the needy people. Inspired by his worthy father while speaking to executive editor Raja Sarfaraz he says “Dad has struggled since he started his business but truly admire him as my Hero and also the person at back and call”.

Syed Ali Asger is a new business trending story from Kashmir.